Best of 2019

Ben Egbert

Forum Helper
Staff member
Here are my 4 favorite images from last year.

#1, I always go up to Squaw Peak Road each fall for shots of Timpanogos. This one was a bot late for peak color, but the light made up for it.

#2. McDonald Lake Glacier NP. From a trip last summer with Rick Knepper. I liked the light and reflection in this one.

#3. Christmas Meadows in spring. This was very early in a high water year so lots of water in the Bear River.

#4. Blue Valley from Skyline Overlook. This is becoming one of my favorite places because of the great light and color I have found. It is still relatively free of people, but probably not much longer.



Staff member
These are really great looking Ben. Though I would swear I saw way more then 4 photos from you in 2019 that I really liked.


Great looking set from this last year Ben. That shot of Blue Canyon in #4 is the hands down best one for my eyes.

I'm sort of with Jim on thinking I have seen a lot more tasty shots out of you this year than you are willing to post.

Ben Egbert

Forum Helper
Staff member
Great looking set from this last year Ben. That shot of Blue Canyon in #4 is the hands down best one for my eyes.

I'm sort of with Jim on thinking I have seen a lot more tasty shots out of you this year than you are willing to post.
Thanks Alan, glad you like them and 4 is my own personal favorite, but both Sunny and Jeffrey have shots from that location that are better. I plan to go back and work for an improvement.

Jim Dockery

Well-Known Member
Beautiful shots Ben. I love #3, like I said when you first posted it, it's my favorite of all the shots you've posted from this location. I hope you've printed it big.
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